Tuesday, December 14, 2010


problem again,again n again....
br jek nk wat background br but.....
huh.. :( ,i can`t... the background that i transfer was transparent..
huaaaaaaaaaaa......trpakse wat block br...haha,gediks..
extually,i`m bored... :/ don`t know what to do...haha,hw sej dh ciap...
happyyyyy mooooooodddd............ :)

haha..juz happy like this person...
hmmm,x sabo lak nk tunggu 22,23,24 hb nie...want to follow my mom to PD..
haha,walaupon its juz PD, yela x mcm kowg g luar neg. but i`m really exited...
its ok..sebagai ganty yg ayh aq x bg g reunion ue nan kangkawn...
memule mmg r cedey,p lelame ok...
but...i didn`t forget about it...
juz missss u my dear...

misss u so much....
eventhough,sometimes u hurt my heart,but i still love u...
mmg aq mengaku,ko bnyk wat sakit aty aq...
ko wat seolah-olah aq nie x wujud dlm dunia kaw!!
x wujud!!!!
huh...my mood was changing...
because thinking of you...
you make me smile...
you make ma sad...
you make me just a weather...
can change anytime...
without any people know....dh brape lame aq xcntct die..
die lngsng xtrgerk aty k nk cntct aq???
oh,please...don`t u ever make ke like this...
kate org kaw sygkn aq....
kate org kaw sukekn aq...
but..is it all this true???
is it true??
adakah benar semue yg aq dengar nie???
ntah la...aq rase aq dh xleh nk brhrp cngt at ko..
mmg..ade mase ko ok...
n ade mase ko....
knp ko mcm nie ha??!!
PEMALU ker???
ermm,ko pemalu ke @ aq???
ntah la.....
ish!! grm lak aq!! aq nk gk die cntc aq...
naoe ek agknyerr???
sume laki same ea???
tgk r t....le die cntct aq,nengk r pe aq akn wat...
just wait n see...
dh x nk cntct cngt an...p,leh ker aq wat???

don`t think that just you`re on the internet it`s ok to make me happy...
whetever you do,whatever you done,whatever you did,...
you`re still in my heart....

p/s: I cry for you
       I need you
       I adore you
       I hate you
       I want you
       I lost you
       I love you
       I adore you
       I need you...............

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